1. Enter a field in Microsoft Teams on your PC or Mac.
2. Clip your Caps N Lock® Exec device to the Caps Lock key (On Windows) / esc Key (on MAC)
3. That's it! Now your computer won't shut down or go to sleep and your Microsoft Teams status will remain Available, not Away.

There are many reasons why home working employees are using the Caps N Lock "mouse jiggler" keyboard clip.
For productivity and collaboration reasons, this clip reduces the need to return back to the computer just to wiggle the mouse. Such activity happens with 77% of daily Teams users in the UK yet it is not being done to hide from employers but rather to prevent being seen as away while they work elsewhere on another device or form of media.
While continuing to work from a phone or sketching in a note pad we may want to stay available for our colleagues so they can call, message or share with us.
A common reason is privacy at home. We may feel as though we are being watched or even monitored by our employer and the Caps N Lock® clip helps give employees working from home control over when they are shown as Away.
We have a few customer's using Caps Lock for the sole purpose of stopping their second computer from going to sleep.
Only 1 person uses Caps N Lock® as a very effective book mark however they own a 2nd clip for theor laptop :)